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Why Is Human Error Such A Problem For Boaters?

Posted on : April 3, 2023
Motorboat Accident Injury Lawyer

Contrary to popular belief, the most significant contributor to boat accidents isn’t bad weather or unforeseen circumstances – it’s human error. This means that most boat collisions and other incidents are actually preventable. Below, we take a look at how human error plays a role in maritime accidents.

Failure To Train Employees

Commercial boating companies are responsible for providing their employees with comprehensive training before they are allowed to operate a vessel on Georgia waters. When this doesn’t happen, serious injuries to both staff and customers can occur.

Employees need to know what to do in an emergency situation and be able to navigate their vessel quickly. Panicking can be costly but well-trained staff are less likely to be anxious when making important decisions.


You can’t legally operate a boat in the State of Georgia while under the influence of alcohol or drugs. Despite this law, a large number of boat accidents still involve intoxication as an aggravating factor.

Boat captains and employees may make bad decisions while under the influence that put the vessel and everyone on it at risk. Or, their reaction time may be slowed. Either way, they aren’t able to resolve problems as quickly as needed. This often results in collisions on the water, either with other boats or objects.


Fatigue is a big issue when it comes to boat safety. Commercial boat captains and crew members often work long hours in physically demanding jobs. They may not be able to get enough rest to safely operate the boat when sleeping on a cot or small bed.

Operating a boat when you’re tired is a lot like operating one while you’re drunk. Your reaction time is slowed and it takes a lot longer for you to understand what you need to do and successfully complete the task. Seconds count on a commercial vessel and staff need to be awake, alert, and capable when they are needed.

When To Call A Georgia Boating Accident Attorney

Were you hurt in a boat accident? You might be able to file a lawsuit against the responsible party. If you win, you could receive payment for things like hospital bills, property damage, lost wages, and pain and suffering.

A Georgia boat accident attorney can help. Contact Chalker Injury Law now for a consultation by dialing (678) 319-9991 or toll free at (800) 393-8595.

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