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Who Should Teen Drivers Call After an Atlanta Motor Vehicle Accident?

Posted on : September 4, 2022
vehicle accident, car accident

Teen drivers may think of calling their parents immediately after a vehicle accident, but this may not be the best course of action. Here’s what teens can do and how to get help.

First, Move Away From the Road

Get out of the way of other vehicles as quickly as you can. Move your car if possible, or just get out of the vehicle if yours is too damaged to pull to the shoulder.

Call Emergency Medical Services (EMS) or Police

Regardless of how severe the Vehicle accident appears, teens should contact the police or Emergency Medical Services for help as soon as possible. If anyone is hurt, reach out for medical help first before relocating your car or even getting out of your vehicle.

Write Down Phone Numbers For the Other Driver & Witnesses

If anyone involved in the collision is physically able, they should write down each driver’s contact information to exchange with the other. Teens who leave the scene of a vehicle accident without identifying themselves to the other driver – even if the vehicle accident is minor – can be severely penalized.

Wait to Call Your Parent or Guardian

You may be tempted to contact your parents immediately after an accident, especially if everyone seems fine and no one is seriously hurt. But you should still wait to contact them until you’ve called the authorities and they let you know it’s okay to contact your parents.

There are numerous reasons behind this, just one being that parents tend to swarm accident scenes with demands and if the scene is catastrophic, this could be extremely traumatizing. It’s also easier for authorities to do their jobs at the scene without parents watching their every move.

Reach Out For Qualified Legal Assistance In Atlanta 

If you are a teen and were in a vehicle accident, a lawyer can help you. If your teen child was driving or riding as a passenger in a vehicle that was in a collision, it’s important to act quickly to secure the evidence needed to pursue the full and fair compensation available in your case.

Chalker Injury Law can provide your family with a full scope of personal injury legal services and will advocate for the best possible outcome from the start of your case to the final settlement. Call today for a consultation at (678) 319-9991 or toll-free at (800) 393-8595.

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