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Are You Eligible to Bring a Slip & Fall Claim Forward?

Posted on : January 28, 2017

When some people hear about a slip and fall, they imagine perhaps a few cuts, scrapes, or bruises. However, slip and fall accidents can cause critical injuries. These can include broken bones, head and brain injuries, and spinal cord injuries that cause paralysis. If you were injured in a slip and fall accident, find out your eligibility to bring forward a claim for compensation.

Where Did Your Slip and Fall Occur?

To be eligible for compensation, your slip and fall accident must have occurred on the property of someone who owed a duty of care to you. For example, store owners owe a duty of care to their patrons. Business owners owe a duty of care to their employees. However, homeowners do not owe a duty of care to trespassers. In most cases, trespassers would not be eligible for compensation in a slip and fall claim.

Did the Fall Directly Injure You?

It’s important to establish that the slip and fall caused your injuries. You must prove that the injuries are directly caused by the slip and fall and not some other condition. For example, if you hurt your back in a fall but also have degenerative disc disease, it may be difficult to obtain compensation for back injury treatments. This is because it’s nearly impossible to tell where the old condition ended and the new condition began.

Did You Sustain Damages as a Result of the Fall?

There are two types of compensation in any personal injury case. The first is economical damages, like medical bills. The second type is non-economical damages, like pain and suffering. Very rarely are only non-economical damages awarded in a personal injury case and slip and fall cases are no different. You typically must prove that you suffered economical damages in order to be eligible for compensation through a legal claim.

At Chalker Injury Law, we have the resources and skills to assist you in determining claim eligibility after a slip and fall. We will help you aggressively seek the compensation you deserve. Contact us today for a consultation to discuss the circumstances surrounding your case and to learn about your legal rights. Call now at (678) 319-9991.

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